» Maintenance » Home Appliances that Cost the Most Energy and How to Save Money

Home Appliances that Cost the Most Energy and How to Save Money

Have you ever been surprised at how high has the electricity bill turned out and wondered where the root of the problem is? You switch off the lights when you’re not in the room, you only wash your clothes once a week, you try to save on electricity as much as you can, but the bills are still impossible.

A lot of the home devices we use on a daily basis consume a lot of electricity but we can’t stop using them, unless we want to live like cavemen.

The good news is, there are small things that we can do to improve their work and energy efficiency and save money on electricity bills.

What Home Appliances Make the Most of Your Electricity Bills

Some home appliances use more energy than others but you can’t get rid of them altogether. That is why it’s essential to look for appliances with a class-A of energy efficiency in the first place.

Below we’ve gathered the appliances that consume the most electricity in your home according to experts, as well as some tips on how to improve their energy efficiency.

Tumble Dryer

Tumble dryer

The tumble dryer is undoubtedly one of the appliances with the biggest energy consumption and it’s also not a necessity but it definitely makes your life easier.

You can’t always rely on the weather to be good and dry your clothes fast so that you can have them ready when you need them.

Our busy daily lives can be so frustrating which is why we are looking for the greatest convenience at home. Having our clothes dry and wrinkle-free in a short time can go a long way in bringing us the comfort we need so much.

A lot of hot air is lost during the drying process and the machine costs a lot of electricity. However, there are some environmentally-friendly options available nowadays that reuse the hot air and work effectively even at low temperatures which is not only better for the environment but for your wallet too.



A big part of the electricity bill is taken by appliances that use water like the washing machine and the dishwasher. The second one is actually one of the costliest home appliances.

Although you might have heard that putting the dishes in the dishwasher rather than washing them by hand saves a lot of water and electricity, that’s not always true.

Some low-cost dishwashers will use a lot more water as their programs are of longer duration and their technologies are not very energy-efficient. If you want to enjoy the convenience of such an appliance, make sure you’re choosing an A-class one when it comes to its energy efficiency if you don’t want your bills to skyrocket.

Make sure to run the machine only when it’s completely loaded with dishes to avoid unnecessary losses of water and electricity.



While the oven is not the costliest home appliance there is, it can sure get expensive when you use it on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the costs without having to refrain from baking and cooking.

Self-cleaning ovens for example reduce the need to use hot water. While you bake, take out trays that you’re not using as they absorb heat that could otherwise go for cooking.

If you really need to lower the bills you can substitute the oven for an air fryer that is a lot more energy efficient, or you can cook with gas instead of electricity, which is the much more expensive option.



The fridge takes up about 13% of your general electricity bill, which is not as much, but you could definitely lower the percentage if you invest in a fridge that has a high energy-efficiency grade.

Otherwise, there is not much you could do because it has to stay turned on all the time.

Some models have in-built innovative functions that cool the food with less energy and they also keep it fresh for much longer which means you will be also saving money from food.

Washing Machine

Washing machine

The washing machine is also one of the costliest household appliances but in the 21st century we can’t imagine life without it.

To avoid having to pay impossibly high bills there are some simple things we can do, such as running the washing machine only when it’s fully loaded and reduce our washing to once a week.

If you invest in a high class model it will have eco-friendly options that wash your clothes at lower temperatures meaning that the electricity consumption will also be lowered.

It’s important to invest in a quality appliance if you want it to efficiently wash your clothes from all grime even at lower wash and temperatures.

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