» Garden » Easy-Care Edible Plants to Grow in Your Garden

Easy-Care Edible Plants to Grow in Your Garden

Growing your own food will not only save you money and make your meals tasty, but it’s also a very rewarding activity when it comes to your fulfillment.

If you are a beginner gardener, it might seem like edible plants like fruit and vegetables would require extensive care, but don’t worry. There are various starter plants that you won’t screw up with.

See what the best easy-care choices for edible plants are and get ready for some homegrown food.

What are the Easiest Edible Plants to Care for in Your Garden

You don’t really need to have a very large garden to be able to take care for some edible plants. The only thing you need for that is enthusiasm.

Homegrown vegetables, fruit, herbs, and other plants, will provide you with rich nutrients and they will also taste much better than store-bought foods. Just imagine going out in the garden during the summer and picking some healthy snacks from a fruit tree outside.

If you are ready to try some gardening experience and grow your own harvest easily, then below are some of the easiest edible plants to care for.

Perennial Herbs

Perennial herbs for the garden

Herbs are the perfect plants for beginner gardeners, they give a fresh smell, look beautiful, and make the food tasty. They are also incredibly easy to grow no matter what the conditions in your garden are.

If you’re wondering what the easiest types of herbs are to care for, then you should definitely start with perennial herbs. These include parsley, oregano, creeping thyme, mint, fennel, sage, and many others.

You can easily grow herbs from seeds, or purchase them in small pots to replant them in your garden. These edible plants will even thrive if you grow them in pots inside your home.


Bell peppers, chili peppers, and various types of peppers thrive in different conditions and can grow without extensive care. They can even be grown in a pot inside, in raised beds, or simply in your yard.

The only thing you need to be careful about is watering. These vegetables like to be watered often but with a little amount of water. They also don’t like environments that are very cold, so plant them if you live in a place with mild temperature differences.

After you harvest this year’s vegetables, add fertilizer or compost so that they get a good amount of nutrients to prepare for the coming year.


Strawberries in the garden

Strawberries and not only tasty, but their little white flowers are also gorgeous in spring. They can be placed in pots or planted in the garden and they will generally thrive.

These fruits grow well in a wide variety of soils and climates and their only requirement is that they get a good amount of sunlight and their soil doesn’t get too soggy.

There are different varieties of strawberries you can choose between and if you put in a little effort, they will reward you with sweet fruits every year.


Fruit trees are generally not the easiest plants to grow if you are just beginning your gardening experience. However, as with anything else, there is an exception to the rule here too.

There are some trees that are easier to care for than others, and they will reward you with tasty and juicy fruits. Apricots hold the first place in our list here.

These trees will generally take care of themselves once they’ve been growing for a year. You will only have to prune them, provide a fertilizer once a week, and water them if the season is extremely dry.


Potatoes for the garden

Potatoes can be prepared in so many different ways and somehow they are always so tasty and nutritious. You can bake them with various additional ingredients, fry them, mash them into a puree, or prepare a tasty soup.

These vegetables are not only easy to cook, but they are easy to grow too. You simply have to make sure that there are no pests in the soil before planting them.

Once their vines start growing, allow them to go on for at least a month before collecting your harvest. Keep in mind that these vegetables grow larger the more time you let them stay in the soil.

Onions and Garlic

Onions are another vegetable that grows in the ground and can be prepared in various ways. It is the base of the cooking process and something essential to always have in the kitchen.

Even if you’re a complete beginner in the garden, you will find it hard to mess up with growing onions and garlic. They will grow quick and won’t require a lot of care but the harvest will be impressive.

Their only requirement is to be planted in a sunnier area. After harvesting, let their foliage dry outside completely before you bring them inside.

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