» Garden » Turn Your Garden into a Wonderland: 7 DIY Garden Lighting Tips

Turn Your Garden into a Wonderland: 7 DIY Garden Lighting Tips

You finally have a home with a garden. Great, but how to actually get it to look like one from the movies, where it actually looks like a wonderland?

It’s not going to happen without the proper lighting. That’s actually the exact reason why those gardens in movies and magazine photos look so magical.

The good news is that it doesn’t need to be hard to install some proper and tasteful lighting and get the garden you always wanted to have.

How to Light your Garden the Right Way

You will be surprised by how many ways there are to make your own garden lighting that looks unique and gorgeous. You can even create some lighting yourself without investing money, but by repurposing some old items.

Sparkling LED lights always create a marvelous ambiance, but there is a way to even take that to the next level.

See how with these 7 easy but brilliant DIY lighting tips.

1. Glow up With LED Strips

LED strips in the gardenLED strips are always the right option, no matter what type of space it is. You can use LED strips to decorate both interior and exterior spaces, as they are quite resilient to atmospheric conditions and safe even when used underwater.

Use them as glowing accents under garden stairs, around bushes, or create pictures or written text on walls. The variety of ways to use these strips is practically infinite, that’s what makes them so great.

2. Glowing Orbs

Garden lights always look magical, but if you want to take it a step further, choose spherical garden lighting. Spread the orbs around your lawn to make it look like a fairy tale and make the evenings more romantic.

The big Pro of LED lighting is that a single lamp can change between different colors.

These orbs can glow in white, but also in many different colors. You could choose between warmer yellowish lighting and green, red, blue, purple, or any other color that appeals to your taste.

3. Glowing Mason Jars

Glowing mason jarMason jars have their way of bringing a sense of coziness to home interiors. They have multiple purposes, but have you ever thought, that you could also use them for garden lighting?

Well, you can, and the result will be brilliant.

You can use solar lights and glue them on the inside of the jar lid. After that, simply close the lid, and you will have a glowing jar.

You can place them around your garden or attach a few of them to a string to make overhead lighting for your garden.

4. Crafty Wine Bottles

Wine is a good thing in many ways. One of them is that the bottles look chic and you can use them to put sparkling lights inside and all around them to light your garden up in a classy way.

You can put the bottles on garden tables or in nooks and they are going to look like a piece of art.

If wine isn’t your thing, you can safely use beer bottles, and the lighting will be looking just as elegant.

5. Repurpose PVC Pipes

If you are looking for a cost-effective way to bring some creative lighting into your garden, then this tip is for you. Repurpose old PVC pipes by cutting them into pieces and carving out some openings in shapes of your choice.

When you put LED lights inside of them, the light is going to come out through the openings and create a magical atmosphere.

The pipes can also be spray painted to create a variety in terms of color. These can be standing or hung up, but in any case, they are going to give your garden a unique look.

6. Handmade Paper Lanterns

Paper lanterns bring true romance to the atmosphere. The good news is you can make these yourself with a few paper bags.

Simply put some LED lights inside of them – don’t worry, with this type of lighting there is no danger of starting a fire. To prevent the lanterns from being blown away also put some rice inside of them to keep them on the ground or wherever you decide to place them.

7. Create Beautiful Tulip Lights

Now is the time to wake up your DIY skills and create some handmade flowers, repurposing old plastic bottles. Cut the bottles in half and use the parts where the lid is.

Cut some petals out and curl them a little bit so that they look more realistic. Get a string with LED lights and put a light inside each plastic flower in order to light it up. In order to get the light inside the flower pull it through the bottle mouth.

Now there you have it – a truly magical garden with glowing tulips.

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