» Decoration » How to Refresh Your Home by Incorporating Plants in the Interior

How to Refresh Your Home by Incorporating Plants in the Interior

What is a home with some plants here and there? Yes, this decoration is not for everyone, because it needs special attention and care. However, this is a great way to add a fresh look to your home.

It’s never too late to become a plant lover and enhance your favorite spots by putting some plants around. This is also a great way to add personality to your space and why not your new hobby?

There are so many easy-breezy hacks to use and incorporate plants in the interior of your house. Moreover, green is the color that helps us chill out. If you want to create a relaxing and cozy look for your place, don’t miss to use the hacks below.

Find another use of the Bar Cart

If you have a bar cart that you don’t use you can change this. Take the empty bar car and transform it into a plant stand. This is how to create a special plant space where you can easily take care of them. The best benefit of using a bar cart is that you can move the plants near the window if they need more sunlight.

Refresh an Old Hutch with Plants

No need to buy a new hutch. You can transform your old one into plant storage. It’s very easy and fun to do so. Take some pots in various sizes and use them to decorate the hutch. Here you have your new green corner that will bring a fresh look to the room.

Best Plants to Decorate the Bathroom

Yes, the bathroom is also a good place where to incorporate plants. Although, many people avoid decorating their bathrooms with plants, doesn’t mean this is not a good idea. The bathroom is a special space and if you want to put some plants there you have to consider what are conditions there. We listed 4 of the best plants that love humidity and don’t need much sunlight.

  • Boston fern

A great plant for a bathroom interior, because it loves humid places and doesn’t need much care.

  • Gardenia

This is a tropical plant that loves sunlight. If you want to decorate your bathroom with gardenia plants, be sure you put them near the window.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera is super easy-breezy to take care plant. It doesn’t need much of your attention and doesn’t enjoy much sunlight.

  • Orchid

If you want to bring some colors to your bathroom, the orchid is the best plant to incorporate into the interior.

Tall Tree is a Great Choice

Fiddle leaf fig

A tall tree is a great plant to incorporate into your home interior if you have enough space. The most appropriate place for such a big plant is near a window from where the most sunlight comes. Are you in about this idea? Follow our suggestions on the best home trees:

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig

The best place to put this small tree is in your bathroom or living room. The plant needs filtered light and it’s not capricious to frequent watering.

  • Weeping Fig

This green small tree is a favorite of plants lover because it doesn’t require much care. The tree likes indirect light and it should be dry between the watering.

  • Banana Tree

Yes, it’s possible to grow banana trees at home. The plant has giant leaves and it’s a perfect indoor tree for green lovers. The banana tree needs full sun to grow big and beautiful.

Take Advantage of the Height

If you want to take the best of your room size you have to consider putting shelves above the windows which you can decorate with plants. This is the best place to put long vines and plants and create an interesting look in the room.

Another very fancy idea for decoration including shelves is to install floating shelves with built-in holes. Then decorate them with plants and souvenirs. Or leave them empty for more minimalistic decoration.

The first Impression is Important

What do you see first when you enter your home? You can show off your passion for plants to everyone who enters your home with the first step. Consider creating a green corner near the walk-in door and impress your guests with your indoor plants.

Vertical Gardens

Vertical garden interior

Again, take advantage of any empty space in your home. You can apply this to the walls as well and use it the create a vertical garden. It’s very easy to do it. You have to just hang hooks in a vertical line and place plant pots inside.

Refresh to Air with Air-purifying Plants

When you based plants in your living room, bedroom, and bathroom you can expect that the air will get better in these rooms. There are some plants with special qualities of removing toxins and enhancing the place. Here are some of them: bamboo palm plant, spider plant, Boston fern.

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