» Home improvement » How to Create a Productive Workspace at Home – Tips and Tricks

How to Create a Productive Workspace at Home – Tips and Tricks

Working from home is something we were forced to undertake because of the Covid pandemic. A few years after working from home is more a choice than a mandatory measure.

Many employees prefer working remotely from their homes and saving time traveling to work.

There are many discussions if home workers are productive enough. However, depends on the person of course, and his ability to create a working environment at home.

If you are new in the group of remote workers you probably need some tips on how to set up a productive home office.

We gather some fresh ideas for you. Read until the end and find what works best for you.

Choose the Right Room

Start with choosing the right room. Not every room is a good choice to create a productive home office space. Consider things like natural light, level of noise, and other possible distractions.

The best location for your home office is a quiet room with direct sunlight and zero distractions. Your bedroom or kitchen is not a good choice, because the bed could be very seductive.

What we suggest is to create an office corner in your living room where you will find inspiration to finish your tasks.

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

Ergonomic furniture home office

You are going to spend up to 8 hours on your desk that’s why you have to find a way to make these hours comfy.

You have the freedom to choose the furniture of your taste but our advice is to go for an ergonomic chair. This is the best way to save yourself from back pain and not only.

Your lower spine and your neck also suffer when you spend a long time in an uncomfortable posture.

To avoid this invest in an ergonomic chair with adjustable arms. This will definitely save you from back and neck pain in the future.

Eliminate Distractions

When you have to be focused anything around is more exciting than your job. That’s why to keep the distractions like your phone away.

When know that is almost impossible to stay productive for all 8 hours. Here is one very useful technique to try.

The Pomodoro technique allows you to enjoy a little distraction after a period of being focused.

What you have to do is set a time for 25 or 50 minutes during which you will work on your task. After the time is up you can enjoy a 5- or 10-minute break.

Get a Plant

Home office plants

Even though growing a plant is not your hobby doesn’t mean is not a good idea to get one for your home office.

Looking at the color green has a soothing effect on the eyes. This is a great reason to decorate your home office space with green plants.

Another benefit of some plants is the ability to improve air quality and reduce toxins. Plants also make the space look more alive and relaxed and this is what many people need in their office environment.

Create Opportunities for Movements

Setting in front of the desk during 8 hours shift is not the healthiest thing you can do for your body.

The good news is that you can change this only by incorporating some opportunities for movement in your home office space.

Resistance bands, light weights, or even a small treadmill are great supplies that will motivate you to be active during your breaks.

Spending a short time on exercises will improve your motivation and productivity. There are special activities you can do to get rid of back or neck pain.

Office Supplies

Office supplies for home office

When you create your home office you have to consider what office supplies you need. The list starts with desks, chairs, computers, or laptops. Things like lighting sources are also important for your comfort.

There are some factors that can help you to choose the best office supplies:

  • Purpose: select appropriate items for the purpose of your home office;
  • Quality: invest in high-quality office supplies that you will use for a long time ahead;
  • Cost: set up a budget limit;
  • Size: determine the size of your home office space;

Personalize Your Workspace

You have to create a space where you will like to spend time. Yes, this is your home office, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make it fun.

Add some personal touches like photos from your last trip or favorite souvenirs.

Choose personal items that will increase your motivation. Here is a good example of how to boost your productivity by adding a personal touch.

Print out some motivational quotes and decorate your desk with them.

We hope you found some ideas and you’re going to incorporate them. The best of the home office is that you have the freedom to create a space to your taste.

Last, but not least when you get used to you can easily change it.

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