» Decoration » 10 Fabulous DIY Spring Decoration Ideas to Cheer You Up

10 Fabulous DIY Spring Decoration Ideas to Cheer You Up

The arrival of spring is the perfect occasion to dedicate time to some relaxing DIY crafting activities. Making your own decoration will bring you a sense of fulfillment and will enrich the aesthetic appeal of your interior, putting you in a cheerful spring mood.

If you feel inspired to start crafting spring decoration right now but you need some ideas, this article will give you some original ones for a creative start.

Craft Projects for Unique Spring Decoration

Flowers, natural materials, and soft pastel colors are the signature of spring decoration. There are endless possibilities to combine them for unique DIY seasonal home décor.

You might be feeling a bit lost in the various options, so below are 10 of them to give you a focus and inspire you to express your creativity.

1. Elegant Lantern with Flowers

Lantern with flowers

There is nothing that says “cottagecore” and pays homage to spring as a decorative wooden lantern. It makes a perfect decoration for your interior and for your garden too.

Fill a lantern with faux flowers in gentle pastel colors and enjoy its elegance.

2. Spring-Themed Birdhouses

Spring is the time to welcome the blooming nature and the cheerful birds. Invite them to your garden by placing birdhouses decorated with flowers and painted in lively colors.

You can either DIY your own houses or purchase ready birdhouses and then paint them and attach DIY flowers made from cardboard or some other strong material.

3. Flower Box

Wooden box with flowers

Wood is a great material for spring decoration because it’s natural and cozy and can look extremely elegant.

Look for some rustic wooden boxes to use as a base for flower arrangements. Fill it with live, dried, or faux flowers, and add some feathers and other elements of nature to bring spring into your home.

If you want to enjoy the decoration for a longer time period, then dried flowers are the most elegant option.

4. Vintage Flower Cups Modified

Vintage cups decorated with painted flowers add such cuteness and romance to your home interior.

If you want to take seasonal decoration one step further in spring, you can fill them with roses and greenery for an elegant tabletop decoration for the spring months.

5. Paper Flowers

Paper flowers as spring decoration

If you enjoy making something with your hands than you will love making your own paper flowers for long-lasting spring home décor that you can reuse the following years. Look for some inspiration and different ways to cut and glue paper to create different flower varieties.

You can then use the flowers in arrangements for a tabletop or coffee table decoration.

Coffee filters actually easily turn into peonies from paper that you would not be able to distinguish from real ones if you get the color and the arrangement right.

6. Decoupage

Decoupage is a favorite craft activity for many DIY lovers. It is easy and entertaining and it lets you express your creativity while the result is always elegant.

Take some flower pots, gather some patterned tissue or magazine clippings and create a marvelous spring-themed piece of decoupage.

7. Flower Wall Hangings

Flower wall hanging

There are various ways to use flowers in wall-hanging features to bring Spring into your home.

Use wooden materials to attach some strings to them, and then attach various types of flowers to them to create an aerial piece of decoration to adorn your walls.

8. Pompom Flowers Cushion

Do you like sewing? Then you might use some creative inspiration to make a unique home décor element to remind you that it’s spring outside.

Pompoms are quite easy to make even if you don’t have much experience with sewing, and they look cute and cheerful. You can see how to make your own pompoms from string or other materials or buy ready ones from a crafts shop.

Sew the pompons on a cushion cover and enjoy the joyful look.

9. Butterfly Wreath

Butterfly wreath

Wreaths are essential elements of spring decoration but you can make it more interesting and add something besides the usual flowers.

Butterflies are a great and elegant addition to a spring flower wreath and you can even make them yourself from paper.

Just let your imagination free and bring the lightness of flight to your home. Remember that butterflies symbolize beauty so they can be a wonderful element of seasonal decoration.

10. Umbrella Flower Hanging

There are really various ways to decorate your home with flowers but one that you have probably not thought about includes an umbrella.

Take one of your umbrellas in pastel spring colors and keep it closed. Tie a cute ribbon around it to prevent it from opening and turn it with the handle pointing upwards.

Now you have a spring-themed vase to place flowers in and hang it wherever you feel like it would look elegant and charming.

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