» Decoration » How to Choose the Best Light Bulbs for Your Home

How to Choose the Best Light Bulbs for Your Home

Choosing a light bulb nowadays has become much more complicated than it has been in the past but if you do it right, you’re going to get some quite valuable benefits.

There are various options available in the market today besides the classical incandescent bulb. Some of them are more economical than others but how to understand which one is best for your home?

This article will tell you all about it.

What are the Different Types of Light Bulbs

Choosing the right type of bulb will not only determine how much light you’re going to have in your home. It will also have an effect on how much money you spend on electricity and how often will you need to visit the store to buy new bulbs.

Below are all the available types of bulbs and how to determine which is best for you.

Incandescent Bulbs

Close-up image of an incandescent light bulb

Incandescent light bulbs are the original bulbs that Thomas Edison patented and they are still used decades after although they have been modified and improved with time.

Many people today prefer these types of bulbs as they are affordable and give off a pleasant warm light. However, the problem with them is that they are very inefficient when it comes to electricity consumption.

The bulb contains a metal filament, usually made of tungsten, which gets heated to the point it starts glowing. This technology requires a lot of electricity and a big amount of the energy is used for heating the filament rather than for giving off light.

That fact calls for improvement of the technology and new energy-effective solutions.

Halogen Light Bulbs

The halogen bulb is something like an improved version that lasts longer and saves more energy. These bulbs also contain a tungsten filament but it’s enclosed in a smaller bulb which is filled with halogen gas such as bromine or iodine.

The gas prolongs the life of the filament and allows the bulb to last for 1-3 years.

These bulbs produce light that is close to natural light and they are also quite affordable but they still don’t manage to save sufficient amounts of energy.

Fluorescent Bulbs

A fluorescent light bulb in a living room

Fluorescent bulbs usually come in the form of a straight or a spiral tube and they are typical for office lighting. They produce an intense cold light that illuminates the room but it could easily overwhelm the eyes.

They are filled with inert gas and bits of mercury which produces ultraviolet light when electricity passes through it. The inside of the tube is lined with phosphor powder which absorbs the UV rays and converts them into visible light.

These bulbs are much more energy-efficient than standard ones and they also last about 10 times more than incandescent bulbs. However, they take a lot of time to reach full brightness after being turned on and their harsh light can have a negative impact on the nervous system.

The mercury in these bulbs is toxic so their disposal is not always safe. Fortunately, nowadays there is a great alternative that is also much more energy-efficient.  

LED Bulbs

LED (light emitting diodes) light bulbs are the most preferred option nowadays due to their long life and their energy efficiency. They don’t contain a filament so there is no energy loss from heating.

These bulbs produce light with the same intensity as incandescent bulbs but only using a fraction of their electricity consumption. That makes them much more sustainable and they can last for up to 10 years, which saves a lot of money in the long run.

Since they do not heat, these bulbs are completely safe and can even be used in bathrooms and in swimming pools.

They come in a wide range of shapes and styles and provide additional functionalities such as change of color and color temperature. Some of them can also be dimmed.

Smart Bulbs

A smart bulb, being controlled with a smartphone

Smart bulbs are LED bulbs that can be controlled through a remote or even through an app. You can set them to switch on and off in certain periods of the day and also adjust their brightness and color temperature easily.

Surprisingly, these bulbs are not expensive at all compared to the great advantages they provide, and they will serve you for a long time.

Watts and Lumens

When choosing light bulbs for your home, there are some key characteristics to consider besides the type of bulb.

The wattage of the bulb is one of them. It shows how much energy the bulb uses to produce light with a certain intensity. LED bulbs’ intensity is shown in lumens which show the brightness of the bulb.

LED bulbs’ wattage is usually pretty low, which is why it is much more convenient to choose them according to the lumens they produce. You can look at the package and see the watts equivalent for the lumens labeled on it.

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