» Maintenance » Brilliant Tricks and Tips to Lower Electricity Bills

Brilliant Tricks and Tips to Lower Electricity Bills

Nobody likes it when it’s time to pay the bills, but what if you just learned, that there are hundreds of little things you can do to decrease that bill significantly?

The things you can do to save energy don’t have to require a lot of effort from you. On the contrary, they could be quite easy and at the same time if you do all of them, your bill could even drop with 50%.

Some of these things are quite intuitive and you might have already thought of them, but others might be quite surprising for you. Nonetheless, all of them work.

How to Make your Home More Energy Efficient

In the beginning it might not be easy to start doing all these things, but with time you will get so used to them, that they will become a part of your routine.

It’s time to start reading the tips and planning what you are going to do with the money you manage to save from electricity bills.

Here are 8 easy things you can do to make your home more energy-efficient.

1. Careful with Standby Mode

Remembering to switch appliances off standby mode could save you a ton of money annually, which you could add to your savings for trips to all the places you want to visit. Turning appliances from the plug nowadays doesn’t change the settings that you’ve programmed, so the best decision is to avoid standby mode.

2. Switch off Lights

It might not seem like so big of a cost to leave the light on as you exit a room. However, each time you do it, more dollars are unnecessarily added to your bill.

Simply don’t leave the lights on when you don’t need them. If you try to do it for a while, it will become a habit and you’re not even going to have to think about it.

3. Take Care of the insulation

Home insulationProper insulation will keep heat inside your home in the cold months, and outside during summer. That way you won’t be needing nearly as much electricity for heating.

Regularly check if there is a problem with the insulation, because that might lead to leakage and higher bills. Proper insulation is not only a cost-effective solution, but it also contributes to sustainability and is a lot better for the environment.

4. Avoid the Tumble Dryer

Dry your clothes using a rack as much as you can. If you have a tumble dryer, use it only when it’s absolutely necessary, for example, if you really need certain clothes and you don’t have time to wait for them to dry.

Such an appliance could be really helpful, but the amount of electricity it requires could make your bills unpleasantly high.

5. Washing Machine Settings

Washing machine settingsThere are ways to use the washing machine, which will save you a lot of costs. For example, instead of setting it to 40 degrees, always wash your clothes at 30 degrees.

That not only saves electricity, but is also better for your clothes and will help to prolong their life.

Another good tip is to reduce the times you wash in a week. Try to gather more clothes and wash them only once a week. That is something that won’t impact your life significantly, but it will impact your bill by making it significantly lower.

Just think about how much money you will save when you cut in half the washing in a month.

6. Get an Energy Audit

Yes, you can actually call a professional to do an audit of your home to analyze problematic areas, which you could improve in order to save more electricity. They will give you advice what you could do in order to make your home more energy efficient.

7. Switch to LED Lighting

LED lighting has a myriad of great advantages over traditional lighting, but probably the best of them is that it saves you a ton of money. Firstly, it’s life is many times longer than that of regular light bulbs, which means that you’re not going to have to buy new LED bulbs for years.

Secondly, the technology of the light diodes makes that type of lighting a lot more energy efficient. It provides more light with greater intensity, while consuming a lot less electricity.

It actually uses 90% less electricity than regular bulbs.

8. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

Nowadays companies strive for sustainability, which is the reason they are producing appliances that are much more energy-efficient than those from the past. Still, there are different classes of energy efficiency, so you should make the choice that will save you the most finances from electricity.

If you have any old appliances, it would be better to switch them with new ones that work better, while consuming less energy.


What are some simple ways to reduce electricity usage in my home?
Simple ways to reduce electricity usage in your home include: turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, adjusting your thermostat to a more energy-efficient temperature, and reducing your hot water usage.
How can I determine which appliances are using the most electricity in my home?
You can determine which appliances are using the most electricity in your home by using a smart meter or energy monitor. These devices allow you to track your electricity usage in real-time, giving you a clear understanding of which appliances are using the most energy.
How can I improve the energy efficiency of my home and lower my electricity bills?
Improving the energy efficiency of your home can help lower your electricity bills. Some ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home include: sealing air leaks and insulation, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and lighting, using a programmable thermostat, and reducing standby power usage. Simple changes such as turning off lights and unplugging electronics when not in use can also help lower your electricity bills.
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